Cheap Auto Quote, What the Parent/Policyholder Can Do
Be involved in your teen’s life so your expectations are known. No parent can expect their child to read their mind and know the expectations, so it is important for the parent to discuss what is required of him often. This leaves little room for misunderstandings and excuses. Rules about curfews, the number of passengers in the car, what the car is used for, when it can be used, and how many miles the car can be driven per week/month are some basic rules that can be set.
Choose coverage that pertains to the young driver. For instance, if he is driving a car that does not have a high cash value, it might be wise to drop any Comprehensive and Collision coverage. Also, before purchasing a vehicle for the teen, talk to your insurance agent to see what type of car would be cheaper to insure. Some providers offer discounts for hybrid cars, while others will tell you to get an inexpensive car to lower your cost. The type of car greatly affects your rates.
Pay a higher deductible. On any policy, having a higher deductible will lower your rates because it means the insurance company will be paying less for your claim. If having a higher deductible is too expensive for you, require your young driver to help pay it if they are the reason a claim is filed. Deductibles can range from $250 to $1,000. Go over these numbers with your young driver so they have a better understanding of all that goes into paying for an accident. These figures may help them drive safely and less frequently when they know how expensive the consequences of driving recklessly are.
Cheap auto insurance for young drivers isn’t going to jump out of the computer screen and fall into your lap. You’ll need to search for it, and the fastest way to look is by comparing what local auto insurance companies are willing to quote you. We can help you get these quotes when you enter your zip code in the appropriate box and continue answering the short list of questions. Combine our quotes with the above mentioned steps and you could be paying the cheapest possible rates for your young driver.