Obama Administration Showing Flexibility on Public Health Insurance Plan
President Barack Obama wants health care reform. He sincerely believes we need to fix what’s broken in the current system because it is the right thing to do and as a necessary step to get America’s economy moving forward again. He has put forward what elements he wants to see as part of comprehensive reform package, but instead of plopping a finished product in the lap of Congress (as the Clinton Administration did during their botched health care reform effort), he is asking Congress to take the lead in developing legislation (imagine that, letting legislators legislate). He and his allies have made clear they are willing to discuss almost any idea. The mantra they repeat often is that “everything is on the table.”
Almost. President Obama has also repeatedly made clear that acceptable health care reform must adhere to three core principles. As they are described on his Organizing for Health Care web site, reform must:
- Reduce Costs — Rising health care costs are crushing the budgets of governments, businesses, individuals and families and they must be brought under control
- Guarantee Choice — Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan they have, or to select a new doctor or health care plan if they choose
- Ensure Affordable Care for All — All Americans must have quality and affordable health care
Don’t misunderstand. He has clear ideas on how these principles should be achieved, but he is not insisting Congress do things his way, only that they do them. This approach was clear in President Obama’s Tuesday press conference when he was asked about the health care reform. His response to the first question on health care reform laid out his approach to the issue.
He began by emphasizing the need for reform. “So the notion that somehow we can just keep on doing what we’re doing, and that’s OK, that’s just not true. We have a long-standing critical problem in our health care system that is pulling down our economy. It’s burdening families. It’s burdening businesses. And it is the primary driver of our federal deficits.”
President Obama then focused on the need to control costs. “It means that we look at the kinds of incentives that exist, what our delivery system is like, why it is that some communities are spending 30 percent less than other communities, but getting better health care outcomes, and figuring out how can we make sure that everybody is benefiting from lower costs and better quality by improving practices. It means health I.T. It means prevention. So all of these things are the starting point, I think, for reform. And I’ve said very clearly, if any bill arrives from Congress that is not controlling costs, that’s not a bill I can support. It’s going to have to control costs. It’s going to have to be paid for.”
President Obama next turned to the need to expand coverage to more Americans. “[W]hile we are in the process of dealing with the cost issue, I think it’s also wise policy and the right thing to do to start providing coverage for people who don’t have health insurance or are underinsured ….”
He then went on to describe the rationale for including a public health plan as one of the health plans available to American consumers. “As one of those options, for us to be able to say, here’s a public option that’s not profit-driven, that can keep down administrative costs, and that provides you good, quality care for a reasonable price as one of the options for you to choose, I think that makes sense.”
The President explicitly rejected the complaints of health insurance carriers who claim a public plan will drive them out of business. “But just conceptually, the notion that all these insurance companies who say they’re giving consumers the best possible deal, if they can’t compete against a public plan as one option, with consumers making the decision what’s the best deal, that defies logic, which is why I think you’ve seen in the polling data overwhelming support for a public plan.”
President Obama’s answer makes sense if the public health plan were just another non-profit competitor. In many parts of America for-profit health insurers compete vigorously with non-profit carriers. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose. But the competition between them is fair.
What the president’s answer ignores is the possibility — indeed, the likelihood — that competition between private for-profit and non-profit insurance carriers on one side and a government-run health plan on the other will not be a fair contest. The government, which would both regulates the market and, under several proposals being promoted in Congress, run the public plan, might tilt the playing field in its own favor (take, for example, the Affordable Health Choices Act introduced by Senator Edward Kennedy and other Democrats on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.)
What is nice to see is that President Obama seems to appreciate the balance that must be struck if a public plan is not to undermine the private market. “So there are going to be some ground rules that are going to apply to all insurance companies,” he said. “I take those advocates of the free market to heart when they say that, you know, the free market is innovative and is going to compete on service and is going to compete on, you know, their ability to deliver good care to families. And if that’s the case, then this just becomes one more option.”
Interestingly, the President was not the only Administration member speaking about health care reform on Tuesday. Peter Orszag, the Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget appeared on the Diane Rehm show on National Public Radio. In responding to a question about health insurance profits, he observed that “One of the questions that will be in play during the reform process is whether additional competition, for example, through a public plan option, or a co-op or a non-profit, would be beneficial.” (For those listening to the podcast, this comments begins at about the 29 minute, 18 second mark). He then goes on to say that co-ops could address a lack of competition in “a growing number of local markets.” (emphasis added).
This is an very significant statement. The health insurance co-ops being discussed in Washington are not government-run. The government provides seed money, either in the form of grants or loans, but once it’s up and running, the co-op is owned and operated by its members. They would be community based and would have to abide by the health insurance laws of their state. Here is a senior official of the Obama Administration, one of its leading voices on health care reform, describing health insurance co-ops as comparable to a government-run public plan when it comes to providing competition.
Taken together, the President and his OMB Director are saying:
- Competition in the health insurance marketplace should be preserved as it is beneficial.
- The purpose of a public health plan is to increase competition in the health insurance marketplace.
- Health insurance co-ops increase competition as much as a government-run plan.
For those who care about fair competition, please note that it is far more likely co-ops will compete on a level playing field than a government-run plan would — especially if co-ops are concentrated in local markets that need a new competitor.
None of this is to say that a government-run health plan will not be part of the final health care reform package. It does, however, underscore the point I tried to make in my previous post: the final outcome of the health care reform debate is far from settled. The Obama Administration is showing flexibility — and will need to in order to get comprehensive legislation passed. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to get involved.
Posted in Barack Obama, Health Care Reform, Healthcare Reform, Politics Tagged: government health plan, Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag, public health insurance plan, Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee, Senate HELP Committee.